Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
What Can One Person Do?
A Troubling World
When you watch the world news, it is easy to conclude that we live in unsettled times. This is especially true for people who are old enough to have seen the world years ago. While we do live in exciting times loaded with many opportunities, we see some dark clouds as well. In America we face a troubled financial front, a shrinking job market, sicknesses, and terrorism. The Bible is clear in the book of Timothy that dangerous times will come in the last days.
The Reality of Anxiety
It is easy to become anxious about these and other matters. This is especially true for people who have difficulty sleeping. It is easy to think about trying troubles as you are tossing in bed. It is also true if you get sick or extremely tired. Yes, troubling times can produce anxiety.
The Power of One
So what might we do? Is there a solution? As Christians we know that the Lord will take care of us, but how does that happen?
During times of trouble reading the Psalms is very helpful. But, perhaps, more helpful is prayer. Developing the habit of sincere, prolonged prayer is so helpful. It is the power of One.
James 5 tells us that Elijah prayed that it would not rain, and God stopped the rain for 3 years and 6 months. Men like Moses and Daniel, through prayer, saw God work in outstanding ways. An answer to a troubling world and anxiety is prayer. This is one reason we have been preaching about prayer for the past several weeks.
What can one person do? Pray! We always have that resource so use it, develop it, and expand its use.
Dick Crosby, Senior Pastor
Posted by
Hannaford Web Ministry
10:24 AM
Categories: Crosby Insights, Dick Crosby, The Buzz
Harvest Festival Update
This Saturday, October 31, we are having our annual Harvest Festival. The goal of this activity is to provide a safe place with a positive atmosphere for children. We also want to use this ministry to reach out to our community and show the love of Jesus Christ. The evening includes games and food.
This year we are including hot dogs and chips. The Harvest Festival runs from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. We are still in need of candy and could always use more volunteers. Please pray for this year's activity.
Pastor John
Posted by
Hannaford Web Ministry
10:23 AM
Categories: Calendar, John Fenlason, The Buzz
Time Change
Don't forget to change your clocks this Saturday night. We gain an hour as we move our clocks back. If you forget, you will arrive early at church Sunday and will be be guaranteed a great seat. See you Sunday.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Crippled, But How Did It Happen?
Never does the human soul appear so strong and noble as when it forgoes revenge and dares to forgive an injury. E. H. Chapin
We have been studying the Lord’s Prayer in our Sunday services. It is really a model prayer or a form to follow when we pray, given to us by the Master Teacher, Jesus. To follow this model for prayer requires the strenuous task of rearranging how many of us practice prayer. Personally, as I have studied this prayer model, I have had to restructure much of what I normally think and say in my prayers.
The next portion of the prayer deals with forgiving others. This is difficult because of our own human nature, the philosophy of our culture, and a desire to be the judge rather than allowing God to do that task. I have labored with a matter that happened years ago that hurt me and my family. But to hang on to such a matter is to mistrust God and continue to suffer internally, missing a sense of contentment that leads to deeper happiness.
Psychologists are studying what makes people happy. "Materialism is toxic for happiness," says University of Illinois psychologist Ed Diener. Even rich materialists aren’t as happy as those who care less about getting and spending. The article also quoted University of Michigan psychologist Christopher Peterson, who indicated forgiveness is the trait most strongly linked to happiness. Peterson said, "It’s the queen of all virtues, and probably the hardest to come by."
This Sunday we want to view the benefits of this part of the prayer. Jesus knew how much we would all need to comprehend this truth to climb over this barrier and experience greater joy.
Dick Crosby, Senior Pastor
Posted by
Hannaford Web Ministry
10:32 AM
Categories: Crosby Insights, Dick Crosby
Mizpah Update
We have finished an exciting summer at Mizpah and look forward to a great winter. I appreciate the many people of Hannaford who have given of their time to make improvements and cover some of the maintenance needs of the camp. This summer we were able to make improvements on three of the cabins, work on the boardwalk, and stain the cabins. We also had a lot of clean up that was done.
There were four camps and several retreats over the last four months. Hannaford’s Junior Camp (grades 4-7) had 28 campers and 11 staff. We had a great camp and an enjoyable time of learning about God and His Word.
Besides the winter events, we have a large winter project in the works. In the last couple of days we have made progress in the engineering for the septic and water system at Mizpah. We are working with an engineer out of Great Falls, and we trust that we will have everything permitted by next spring. Our goal is to work at installation next spring and summer.
Please pray for the ministry of Mizpah. We look forward to God’s continued work through this ministry.
Pastor John
Posted by
Hannaford Web Ministry
10:28 AM
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Jesus Didn't Go to Church. Why Should I?
You rarely or never hear this logic because the church was not birthed until after Jesus left the earth. As silly as such an excuse would be, some reasoning for not attending church is just as illogical.
So what is the big deal about going to church? After all isn't it is just some human institution? No, the church was and is God’s idea! In fact Jesus did some pre-church teaching about that. It then became part of His plan for man (Matthew 16:18; 18:15-17).
God knew that humans need an accountability structure. In a bulk of the Old Testament the Lord established a system called the Law, given to Moses. That system had over 3,000 laws by which the followers of God were expected to follow. God knows that if we are left to our own self-imposed disciplines, we will slide to comfortable levels far below what the Lord would want of us.
Some people meet in homes for Bible study and call it a church. That does not constitute a church unless expected guidelines for a church found in the Bible are met. These are quite specific and really outline a structure of disciplines. Group Bible study can be very productive, and I encourage it. However, it is not a substitute for church in the light of what Scripture spells out.
Even more serious are the excuses of home repair, family recreation day, company came over, or I just don’t get much out of church. These statements are often given to explain why one fails to bring their family to church. These will be shaky foundations to stand upon when we face Christ on the final Day of Judgment.
Church is not man’s idea; and it is not always comfortable or entertaining, but God knows all believers need it. And if the institution of the church was in place when Jesus was on earth, HE would have been consistently in church. Can we get by with less? You will have to answer that question yourself.
The new Worship Pastor is here and will lead worship this Sunday. Please be here to welcome Jonathan and Julia Wimp and their new baby, Nelly. We expect Jonathan to add a new and exciting dimension to Hannaford.
Dick Crosby, Senior Pastor
Posted by
Hannaford Web Ministry
2:51 PM
Categories: Crosby Insights, Dick Crosby
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Making Educational Choices for Your Children
We believe that God has given the responsibility for the education of children to parents. As a church, we desire to come alongside parents and support you as you prayerfully and diligently seek God’s will for your family.
Dick Crosby, Senior Pastor
Posted by
Hannaford Web Ministry
3:25 PM
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Take a Vacation to Recharge
Vacations are great and, in fact, I think they are necessary. Jesus often broke away from the disciples and crowds to pray and refresh. I hope that everyone in the church has had or can have a vacation break this summer. It seems that breaking one's routine has an effect to then refocus one's current life. That usually allows us to make adjustments to accomplish previous goals that somehow became derailed in our daily grind.
There is always a bit of a slowdown in the church during normal summers. This year is an exception. We have had a busy summer; and, generally, the church attendances have been higher than normal. I think these facts are all pretty cool. Here are some things I have observed this summer.
- Thursday night church. These services have averaged over 50 people per evening. We have had a variety of musicians leading these church services and a wide variety of men preaching. Actually over the summer we will have eight different speakers.
- Junior Camp. Now every summer we have Junior Camp and other camping programs. The difference this summer is that we are conducting camp at our very own camping facilities at Mizpah Christian Retreat near White Sulphur Springs. What a great opportunity this facility brings to the ministry of Hannaford Street.
- Worship Pastor Search. This is not a new occurrence. We have had to seek new staff people before. These are always exciting times and trying times. It is a very taxing process to locate people and do the searching necessary to find what you hope will be the right person. This weekend we have a man and his wife coming to look at us and we at them. Jonathan and Julia Wimp will be here Thursday; Jonathan will lead worship on Sunday morning. Don’t miss church this week. This may be the week that we add a new worship pastor.
- Last Sunday 13 people were baptized in Hauser Lake.
Dick Crosby, Senior Pastor
Posted by
Hannaford Web Ministry
12:45 PM
Categories: Crosby Insights, Dick Crosby, The Buzz
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
There is No Excuse—is There?
In the United States 100 million people don’t go to church at all. It is predicted that in 2050 ten percent will attend! This is a scary statistic. I believe that many of the problems that America is currently experiencing flow from a nation that is ignoring or overlooking the importance of God. Many believe in God, but are increasingly devaluing the importance of His church. The church was God’s idea not man’s invention.
If you have been listening to what I have been saying or writing recently, you will recognize a theme. I have been reminding the people of Hannaford about the importance of being faithful in church. This has very little to do with the fact that I pastor the church. It would appear to some that I am just trying to keep the church building full. I would enjoy that; however, it goes beyond that.
To have a healthy church, you need healthy Christians. It is virtually impossible for a person to be spiritually healthy without the constant benefits that a church offers. I am concerned about spiritual health.
When you look through the Bible, you should notice a familiar theme in the New Testament. The book of Romans was written to the church in Rome. Galatians was written to the churches in Galicia. I & II Corinthians were written to the church in Corinth. Ephesians was written to the church in Ephesus. Philippians was written to the church in Philippi.
You get the idea. A good portion of the New Testament was written to churches. There must have been a reason for that or God would not have spent so much of the Bible talking about the institution of the church.
Why is the church so important? The church matters to God...
• because it is made up of people that matter to God.
• because it is the earthly manifestation of His presence.
• because it is a crucial part of His plan for this world.
• because it is His place for us to grow and mature in our faith.
The church is the place designed by God for His people to grow together in their faith. We need each other.
With two church services on Sunday and one on Thursday night, there are very few reasons why everyone cannot attend church on a weekly basis this summer. It is important for you and for the church.
I also want to remind you that the prospective worship pastor and his wife, Michael & Heather, will be in the Thursday night services and both Sunday Services. Also bring your father; we have a gift for him.
Dick Crosby, Senior Pastor
Posted by
Hannaford Web Ministry
11:01 AM
Categories: Crosby Insights, Dick Crosby, The Buzz
Thursday, June 4, 2009
The Church is Community
One problem of Christianity in 2009 is the failure to see the value a specific church offers to an individual person. Biblically, the church is not a part of the cultural community. It’s a whole new community. Recognizing the value of that community to its fullest will bring home the truth that Christians cannot achieve or maintain spiritual health apart from dedicated involvement in a church.
A believer receives great value in the support received from other believers who hold the same values. People of similar principles serve to strengthen each other’s resolve. That is an extremely valuable community.
Rick Warren states in his book, The Purpose Driven Life - 40 Days of Purpose, pg. 130, “You are called to belong, not just believe. Even in the perfect, sinless environment of Eden, God said, 'It is not good for man to be alone.' We are created for community, fashioned for fellowship, and formed for a family, and none of us can fulfill God’s purpose by ourselves.”
He goes on to say on page 132, “The Bible knows nothing of solitary saints or spiritual hermits isolated from other believers and deprived of fellowship. Except for a few important instances referring to all believers throughout history, almost every time the word church is used in the Bible it refers to a local, visible congregation. The New Testament assumes membership in a local congregation. The only Christians not members of a local fellowship were those under church discipline who had been removed from the fellowship because of gross public sin.” (I Cor. 5:1-13; Gal. 6:1-5)
The question then, in my view, should not be, Why be part of a church? but instead Shouldn’t I make sure to be a faith part of such a caring community?
This is one reason we have begun at Hannaford a Thursday night church service. Each Thursday at 6:30 pm, we shall conduct a church service for those who would be unable to come on Sunday morning. In my opinion Sundays are best, but sometimes Thursdays will be the only option. We expect to see summertime church attendances soar, not subside.
Dick Crosby, Senior Pastor
Posted by
Hannaford Web Ministry
12:41 PM
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Be Better Than Average
There is currently a debate as to whether America is today a Christian nation. Some think we are not a Christian nation based on the behaviors of the culture. Consider that fewer people than ever, on a percentage basis, are attending church. The Bible and anyone who defends or claims to live by its principles are viewed as peculiar. It seems to me that immorality is daily pushing the envelope painting modesty and decency in a negative light.
I’ve been on this planet for over six decades so I have witnessed what America used to be and what it has become. Our nation broadly disregards the holiness of God.
Whose fault is this? I don’t want to blame the church, individuals, or Christians for the behavior of the culture. What concerns me most is the approach many Christians are taking toward their own spiritual walk. Let me express some current attitudes and decisions that I see American Christians making which are detrimental to their walk with God. These are red flags as I see them. These are issues that keep people out of church. It is not that I am a pastor whining over lower church attendances; on the contrary Hannaford’s attendances are at an all-time high. I just care for the spiritual health of believers. I see misplaced priorities.
1. Kid’s sports! Many of these are scheduled on Saturdays and Sundays. Parents and children travel to various locations and have essentially replaced family worship for family sports.
2. Camping! Under the guise of family time some people spend every weekend at the lake. I am sure it is relaxing, but God doesn’t take three months off in His care for us. Campers, we are beginning a Thursday evening church service on June 4; now you can bring your family to church.
3. Weekend projects! Some feel it is justified to spent time on the house arguing that this activity is being good steward of the material God has given them. Don’t try to manipulate God.
4. Company! Everyone in Montana gets company in the summer. They would be more impressed by your loyalty to God than skipping church.
Now this may sound like excessive ranting, but I wonder if God would take my view or the practices of the matters listed above. I say this to encourage you not to become an average American Christian, but to honor the holiness of God and place Him above all other things during our short trip on this earth. Be better than average!
Dick Crosby, Senior Pastor
Posted by
Hannaford Web Ministry
3:10 PM
Categories: Crosby Insights, Dick Crosby, The Buzz
Things Going on Under the Snow
The winter at Mizpah is known for lots of snow along with many great winter activities. Not a lot of work (other than plowing snow) can take place. However, things have been happening. A large project that is in process is the water and septic system. We continue to work on the engineering. With the addition of the lodge, the required system is very large and there are many hurdles to overcome. Progress is being made, but there is a lot left to do. We are thankful for a group of volunteers who have put in countless hours on this project. There is a need for an engineer with a PE stamp to help. We are hopeful that we will be able to get the permits in the next few months and begin installation as the funds are available.
Another winter (spring) project is the revamped website. We ask for your patience as we work on it. The new Mizpah website will give current information and forms along with helpful links. Keep checking the website to see the new look coming in the near future.
There have also been numerous small projects going on. We look forward to a busy summer, both in work projects and groups using the facility. A workday is scheduled for June 20th. There are many projects to be completed. There will be projects for skilled and unskilled laborers. Please consider lending a hand. Lunch will be provided. We ask that you RSVP 449-2273 to help us with lunch and project planning.
An open house will be held at Mizpah on Saturday, August 22, from 11 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Come have a chance to enjoy some great food and to look at the facilities of Mizpah including the new lodge.
Posted by
Hannaford Web Ministry
2:42 PM
Categories: John Fenlason, Mizpah, The Buzz
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Easter Opportunities
The Easter season serves well to remind us of the high price Jesus paid to provide salvation for us. This is an important time of celebration for Christians around the world.
Not only do committed Christians hold Easter as significant, but those who rarely attend church do so as well. This is a great opportunity for believers to invite their non-Christian friends to church. The response is usually favorable, so we ought to take advantage of this opportunity.
I encourage you to make a mental list of people you know, pray about inviting them, and then extend the invitation. Every time a person is exposed to the preaching of the Word, that message can do a deeper work in their hearts.
Invite those friends of yours to church on Easter Sunday, April 12.
Dick Crosby, Senior Pastor
Posted by
Hannaford Web Ministry
11:59 PM
Categories: Calendar, Crosby Insights, Dick Crosby
Easter Brunch
An Easter Brunch will be served at the church on April 12 between the morning services (normal Sunday School hour). This is a great time to fellowship with other people.
Third Service
We are making plans for a Thursday night service at Hannaford for the summer months. This will give everyone the opportunity to attend church each week. Summer often includes company, travel, and some weekend activities. Some people also are required to work on Sundays. This should benefit many people.
Details of this service are in the planning stages. We will keep you informed.
Dick Crosby, Senior Pastor
Posted by
Hannaford Web Ministry
11:57 PM
Categories: Crosby Insights, Dick Crosby, The Buzz