Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Be Better Than Average

There is currently a debate as to whether America is today a Christian nation. Some think we are not a Christian nation based on the behaviors of the culture. Consider that fewer people than ever, on a percentage basis, are attending church. The Bible and anyone who defends or claims to live by its principles are viewed as peculiar. It seems to me that immorality is daily pushing the envelope painting modesty and decency in a negative light.

I’ve been on this planet for over six decades so I have witnessed what America used to be and what it has become. Our nation broadly disregards the holiness of God.

Whose fault is this? I don’t want to blame the church, individuals, or Christians for the behavior of the culture. What concerns me most is the approach many Christians are taking toward their own spiritual walk. Let me express some current attitudes and decisions that I see American Christians making which are detrimental to their walk with God. These are red flags as I see them. These are issues that keep people out of church. It is not that I am a pastor whining over lower church attendances; on the contrary Hannaford’s attendances are at an all-time high. I just care for the spiritual health of believers. I see misplaced priorities.

1. Kid’s sports! Many of these are scheduled on Saturdays and Sundays. Parents and children travel to various locations and have essentially replaced family worship for family sports.

2. Camping! Under the guise of family time some people spend every weekend at the lake. I am sure it is relaxing, but God doesn’t take three months off in His care for us. Campers, we are beginning a Thursday evening church service on June 4; now you can bring your family to church.

3. Weekend projects! Some feel it is justified to spent time on the house arguing that this activity is being good steward of the material God has given them. Don’t try to manipulate God.

4. Company! Everyone in Montana gets company in the summer. They would be more impressed by your loyalty to God than skipping church.

Now this may sound like excessive ranting, but I wonder if God would take my view or the practices of the matters listed above. I say this to encourage you not to become an average American Christian, but to honor the holiness of God and place Him above all other things during our short trip on this earth. Be better than average!

Dick Crosby, Senior Pastor