Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Making Educational Choices for Your Children

We believe that God has given the responsibility for the education of children to parents. As a church, we desire to come alongside parents and support you as you prayerfully and diligently seek God’s will for your family.

Those of you who choose to work in the public schools or to send your children to the public schools, I support your decision. You have a great mission field before you, and I pray God uses you to do great things to further His kingdom.

Those of you who have chosen to home school your children, I have great admiration for you and the awesome task you have taken on. We have many families in our church who have chosen this option and do a very good job of it.

If you have been in our church for any length of time, you know that, as a church, we support Christian education. We started Rocky Mountain Christian High School (later became Helena Christian High School) because we believed and still believe our community needed a Christian school. If you have chosen that option for your family, we realize the sacrifices you make to send your children to a Christian school. We support you in your decision.

Last week’s message was given by one who believes in Christians being a light in the public school and appeared to promote one method of education over the other two choices. It is not our desire or job as a church to tell parents what God’s will is for their families, but rather to preach the truth of God’s Word and to let the Holy Spirit work in your lives and lead you to make godly choices.

Some have asked me where I stand on Christian education. I would think anyone who has heard my sermons over the years would know that answer. Anyone who knows my educational background should know that I have both a master’s degree and a doctorate in Christian education. Of further importance, I have started two Christian schools and been heavily involved in starting a third school. I served as a consultant for several Christian schools in Minnesota. I support Christian education, but will not condemn Christians who are teaching in public schools or send their children to public schools.

We all need prayer and mutual support as we raise our children.

Dick Crosby, Senior Pastor