Living Beyond...
At Hannaford we are in a seven week series entitled, Living Beyond... People have been challenged by what the first church did in comparison to what Hannaford is doing. We do some things in a similar form, but we have changed from that church's approach in other areas. Is that good or bad? You need to hear the series to find the answer.
This Sunday's message is Living Beyond Isolation. America, believe it or not, is filled with many lonely people. Churches have lonely people in them. Hannaford has people attending that are lonely. What are the dangers of loneliness, and how can those dangers be eradicated? This is a message you need to hear—if not for your benefit, then to be armed with the information to help the lonely people you meet.
I look forward to seeing you this coming Sunday. There is no better place to be on Sunday than in God's house—especially during these tumultuous days.
Pastor Crosby