Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Some Change is Too Easy

A legitimate reason to miss going to the gym for exercise is understandable. Yet, is it not strange that the one missed workout makes missing another one much easier? It is easy to delay going to the dentist, postponing it to another day. Postponing it a second time is easier than the first postponement. No matter what the situation, the habit of procrastination is extremely easy. It simply takes one delay to begin the habit of changing a discipline.

I recently read that the average Christian in America now attends church one per month. It seems the average is becoming sub-par. The Bible says that this will happen in the last days in II Timothy 3.

In a competitive nation such as America, it is puzzling that so many people have little urge to be the best they can be in their faith. I pray that the people of Hannaford are determined to be better than the average Christian. Let's set this goal, not simply for pride or ego, but because we want to please the soon-coming Jesus.

Pastor Dick Crosby