Thursday, April 11, 2013

More than the Average Joe

This Sunday, April 14, we begin a new series of messages - nine in all - on the Old Testament man, Joseph. It is a series that Americans and Hannaford people need to hear.

In America, we used to hear phrases like be the best you can be. However, why strive for more or better; the government will take care of you. However, those are rare today. There seems to be a move toward why strive for more or better; the government will take care of you.

We need to obey the Bible which says I can do all things through Christ or whatever you put your head to do, do it with all your might.

Joseph was a man who excelled in his walk with God and in his daily occupation. He was not your Average Joe which is the theme of the next messages.

This Sunday the topic is on The Reward of Revenge. That reward is not what most people think it is. You can use this message in the days to come when you are mistreated. Come and learn how God can help and bless you through these trials. Learn how to be more than the Average Joe.

Pastor Dick Crosby