Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Getting Caught in the Current

We live in a fluid world, although the word change outside of politics is not a theme used readily for advertising. Many people fear change, yet our culture is constantly changing.

We are exposed to many new products and recreational adventures because of an unquenchable human appetite for happiness. It is a satisfaction that is never met by change of scenery, partners, increased income, or any other external alteration.

Real satisfaction and peace in a world of shifting values without Christ is a hopeless journey. This is a truth that Christians understand, yet fewer are actually endorsing in their lifestyles. We get caught up in the vortex of human pursuit for happiness which we think is only found in the next new thing.

This Sunday I will touch on this troubling issue. The current habits of Christians are to convince themselves that they maintain a strong relationship with God on a flex schedule. Lord, I will read your Word when I have time, I will attend church when it fits my schedule, and I will serve others when convenient. We discount the seriousness of God concerning our spiritual relationship with Him.

I am deeply concerned over Christians buying into the general disrespect for God. My dear people, don’t believe that you can make it through life easily with a part-time relationship with your Savior.

Pastor Dick Crosby