Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Church Family,

It is with mixed emotions I compose this letter, both heavy heartedness and joy and excitement for what the future may hold.

About three weeks ago I received a call from a very close friend and mentor to come and serve with him in ministry in Grants Pass, Oregon. After a visit to him in July of this year with the purpose of consulting on some audio/video for a building remodel (during which I led the church he pastors in worship), they created a worship pastor position. He expressed the desire for me to fill that role. Julia and I have been praying for weeks about this decision, and we have decided to accept the calling and move to Oregon to serve the Redwood Christian Church as their worship pastor. Our last Sunday with you at HSBC will be October 31st.

Please know that this was not an easy decision for us. We have made several good friends here, my ministry is thriving at Hannaford, and we were looking forward to many years of service to you and the Lord at Hannaford Street Bible Church. However when God calls (and this may be difficult to understand if you have never served in vocational ministry), you can either fight it as Moses did at first at the burning bush or accept it (no matter how difficult it may be), embrace it, and trust God that He knows what is best for us.

We are not running from anything or anyone here at HSBC. I have searched for many reasons to say no to God in this matter, but His calling is persistent. The non-spiritual side of me cringes at the thought of having to move AGAIN for the sixth time in four years, starting over in ministry, being even farther away from immediate family in Indiana, and leaving our dear friends in Helena. Every time I pray about it, I am getting a green light from the Holy Spirit; it has become evident that God is pursuing us in this calling.

Our time at HSBC will remain in our hearts as a blessing. Your generosity to our family, both as church and individually, has truly been an incredible blessing from God! We will treasure the friendships we made here for our lifetimes, forged in the fire of ministry! We pray God’s richest blessings on you and on HSBC. You are doing a wonderful work in Helena; we have been privileged to be a part of it.

If you have any questions or just want to talk, please feel free to e-mail me ( or give us a call (202-6034).

Be blessed and be a blessing!

Jonathan Wimp

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Opportunities and Challenges

The fall always generates new schedules largely because of school for the kids. Vacations are generally over, and the routine begins for all of us. This is usually the time when people get back into the routine of church. That also means the church begins many of its programs, such as AWANA, MOPS, and new Bible studies.

To help generate a renewed schedule in church, this Sunday is National Back to Church Sunday. We ask everyone to make every effort to be in church this Sunday, September 12, and bring a friend. This is a great opportunity.

The immediate challenge is one of a financial nature. We sent a notice to everyone asking for an extra financial gift by this coming Sunday. The spring and summer have been taxing on the church budget. Giving has been down to the point of putting some of our ministries in jeopardy.

We need your prayers and gifts concerning this matter. This is your church; we are frugal in the use of church finances. But in these desperate times in our world, the church needs to be stronger than ever in proclaiming the message of Jesus.

Please take advantage of the opportunities and help shoulder the challenges here at Hannaford Street.

Dick Crosby, Senior Pastor

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I hope that everyone in America would understand that this nation was established primarily for religious freedom. We have been blessed for over 250 years to be able to worship without government interference. That liberty is celebrated on the fourth day of July each year.

This year that date falls on a Sunday. We will celebrate our freedom in a variety of ways.
  • Morning begins at 9:00 a.m. with a full breakfast. People whose last names begin with A-M are asked to bring a fruit dish; N-Z are asked to bring a breakfast meat dish. In addition, pancakes will be served.
  • Some patriotic venues will be presented to remember our
    great country.
  • ONLY ONE service will be held this Sunday! Both first and second services will meet at 10:00 a.m.
  • Scott Yebba will bring a message that promises to challenge.
  • It should be a packed house with excitement and
    great preaching.
I look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we celebrate our religious freedom. If you are unable to attend on Sunday, please plan to come Thursday evening at 6:30.
Dick Crosby

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Getting Caught in the Current

We live in a fluid world, although the word change outside of politics is not a theme used readily for advertising. Many people fear change, yet our culture is constantly changing.

We are exposed to many new products and recreational adventures because of an unquenchable human appetite for happiness. It is a satisfaction that is never met by change of scenery, partners, increased income, or any other external alteration.

Real satisfaction and peace in a world of shifting values without Christ is a hopeless journey. This is a truth that Christians understand, yet fewer are actually endorsing in their lifestyles. We get caught up in the vortex of human pursuit for happiness which we think is only found in the next new thing.

This Sunday I will touch on this troubling issue. The current habits of Christians are to convince themselves that they maintain a strong relationship with God on a flex schedule. Lord, I will read your Word when I have time, I will attend church when it fits my schedule, and I will serve others when convenient. We discount the seriousness of God concerning our spiritual relationship with Him.

I am deeply concerned over Christians buying into the general disrespect for God. My dear people, don’t believe that you can make it through life easily with a part-time relationship with your Savior.

Pastor Dick Crosby

Friday, April 30, 2010


What would happen if there was no church? What would happen if the church ceased to exist?

If you are not sure how to answer these two questions, you need to come to church as we explore this matter. We place the church right behind the Pillar of the Bible and the Pillar of God, not because we need to sustain a job, but because it is so important to believers. Jesus started the church; He must have had a good reason for its existence.

In order for you to be able to defend your belief in the church, come and learn the truth about it. The church is more important than many Christians realize.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Do Your Friend a Favor

Invite a friend to come to church with you this week. Easter is a day that many people think is important, and many are open to coming to church. You will both enjoy the service and some things that are planned here at Hannaford. It will be well worth your time. In fact you will do a disservice to your friend IF you don’t extend an invitation to come with you to church. April 4 should be the best day our church has experienced in a long time!

In addition to our annual breakfast served between 9:30am to 10:30am, there will be some very special music. For the first time in a very long time a 25-30 member choir will be singing.

Easter is a time of the year in which people give serious thought to the meaning of true Christianity. I will preach a message that revolves around this question, What keeps you alive? You might be surprised; it’s not something you hear very often. So do your friend a favor, ask him/her to come to church with you this Sunday.

Pastor Dick Crosby

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sunday's New Pillar of Faith—God

We are beginning another pillar this Sunday in the Pillars of Faith. Our new subject is God! This week I will teach from a verse that only has ten words; it is a verse that you may know quite well. However, I think God has given me some insights into this verse about Him that you may have never noticed.

I am excited about the message and believe you will have something to take home which will be beneficial in your Christian walk. If you couple this with your personal Bible study, I think you will begin to experience a newer relationship with God.

Our Christian walk should always be about Life Change. Don’t miss this week; it is hard to imagine anything that would be more important than to worship with us and be encouraged by this message.

Pastor Dick Crosby

Internet Safety Workshop

Teens and their parents are invited to a workshop on the topic of Internet Safety taking place on Wednesday, March 24, at HSBC (830 N. Hannaford, Helena). The workshop is scheduled during youth group, 6:30 to 8:30 pm.

Kevin Damuth will be teaching this workshop. He works for the FBI investigating internet crime and gives presentations on internet safety in schools. Since most, if not all students, use the internet on a daily basis, we believe this workshop will give them practical help in using e-mail, myspace, facebook, and other internet sources in a safe way. Parents will also gain helpful information about internet safety.

Pastor Gezer

Monday, March 8, 2010

Easter is coming on April 4th this year, and we are excited to remember Christ’s death, His burial, and celebrate His resurrection! This year Worship Ministry is forming a worship choir called Harmony to participate in the Easter services, and we need you! The name “Harmony” comes from Psalm 133... “How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony!” This is a multi-generational choir, and all are welcome. If you are 14 or 114, this opportunity to serve in worship is for you! Our first rehearsal will be Sunday, March 14th, from 4:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. in the Worship Center. Please call Jonathan at the church office (449-2273) or e-mail ( for more information or to confirm your attendance at rehearsal. (If you will need childcare, please let us know.)
Jonathan Wimp

Friday, February 12, 2010

Life Change, Week 2

We hope to see you Sunday for week 2 in our Pillars of the Faith series. Ray Fuller will be teaching on how the Bible came together? Sermon Central is now up and running on our website, Listed below are links available from Sermon Central.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Life Change

You are invited to come Sunday for the first message in our Pillars of the Faith series. It will focus on the Bible, Where Did the Bible Come From, Anyway?. Books, notebooks, family bags, and notes will be available this Sunday to further enhance your study outside of Sunday morning.

Questions asked on Sunday, January 31, 2010, have been answered on A weekly online questionnaire will be available through our website,  In addition, weekly messages are available at our Media Center,

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Food for Thought and Health

Trust is a small word to spell, but a huge word to put into action. It means to put your faith in the ability of a person, a thing, or an organization to act on your behalf.

Some people's motto is "Trust no one, question everything." Caution can be a commendable attribute that can prevent accidents, mistakes, and traps. The Bible says to walk circumspectly in Ephesians 5:15. That means to take one step at a time, looking where you are going, to be careful.

We trust all sorts of things don't we? Without question we trust a chair to keep us from falling to the floor. We trust the food we eat to be safe; few people have food tasters. Many people trust the government to protect them and, in many cases, to provide for them. We all exercise trust in a variety of things or people.

What about God? Do we trust Him? We do for salvation because there is nothing we can do but trust Him to provide eternal life. But what about obedience to giving? God said, "Test me and see if I will not provide when you give." Mal. 3:10-11.

Nearly every January many Christians fail to trust God, but instead put off giving to God to pay Christmas bills. God did not put conditions on the trust me or test me in Malachi 3 when it came to the finances He allows us to have. It is not trust when we only give to God when extra money is available. In this case we don't really need to trust Him.

We rob ourselves of so many blessings when we fail to trust God in this area. We say this, not to increase church income, but to challenge your faith in one of the most difficult areas of one's life--money.

Food for thought and health!

Pastor Dick Crosby

Exciting Testimony on January 24

One of our church family, Fred Habel, will share his testimony concerning his remarkable recovery from a health issue in which God did some amazing miracles. You will not want to miss this. Bring a visitor to hear about this miraculous way God worked.

Pastor Dick Crosby