Friday, December 12, 2008

Editing Your Life

I write articles, letters, and church blogs. When my documents hit the office for publishing, they often get enhanced or edited. It is a polite way of editing the mistakes I make.

It would be nice if everything I say or do could be edited before I would say or do them. I would offend less people, make fewer mistakes, and be much more effective in my life. This concept is not possible, but it does remind me that some self-editing would be helpful.

So how can we edit our lives? Wouldn't it be helpful if we would slow down a bit in life? If we would weigh what we are going to say rather than blurting out the first thing we think of, we would be kinder and more effective people. If we more carefully thought about the outcome of our impending actions, I think our lives would contain less regret.

I think if we would be more thoughtful before we act or speak, our communication would be more useful.

Here is the challenge. See if you can react more slowly and thoughtfully for one day. At the end of the day review how well you did. Then try to repeat that feat for a second day.

Who knows—you might make considerable progress in becoming more likeable, effective, and have a life with less stress?

Dick Crosby, Senior Pastor