Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Just For You-The Worshiper Magazine

Make sure you get your copy of The Worshiper magazine. It's free and it's in the Hannaford foyer while supplies last. This is a great way for you to get insight on continuing your worship even after you leave the church doors.

The Worshiper is a quality publication full of content that will encourage and inspire readers to seek after God in worship. Each issue is filled with reviews of the latest music and Christian entertainment; articles include interviews with Christian ministers, musical artists and people who are making a difference in worship in their communities.

Other features include outreach profiles, stories from the front lines of vibrant ministries and worship articles designed to offer your congregation guidance in their everyday lives from a biblical perspective.

Remember, they're free - but there are only so many to go around :-)

Eric Powell, Pastor of Worship Arts