Are You REALLY a Good Friend?
What is the best thing you could do for someone? Well, if that person is not a Christian, the best thing you could do is to tell them about Christ. If you won’t do that, perhaps you are not the friend you judge yourself to be. That is a harsh statement, but it is truth in the light of eternity.I expect that every one of us has a friend who doesn’t know Christ as their Savior - that is a good thing. We need to have contact with people other than those in our Christian community. But having a friend who does not know Christ can present a big problem. We struggle for an acceptable approach to share the salvation story with them. We know the message, but fear their reaction and hope not to destroy the friendship.
Pray and ask for the right opportunity to share your faith, and then seize that opening to simply tell your story about Jesus.
When you do dare to share your faith, there are some things you might need to understand about our current culture. The message of Christ is the same, it never changes. However, the form in which it is given can be critical to its reception. Today, Christians need to show it, know it, and share it. To do that, we use terms like "movement rather than monuments," "speaking their language," and "because I said so doesn’t work."
Here are some thoughts that might be helpful for this process in 2008.
For years, people of various religious persuasions have attempted to sway others to their way of thinking. This has caused many to be skeptical of any religious conversations. There is an saying, "Don’t talk about religion or politics" - this skepticism is perhaps stronger today than ever before. People today want time to evaluate. They possess a cautious attitude about most things, especially religion.
This is why living your faith, serving people, and starting a "movement" that demonstrates "love without words" is key. In the past, we were taught the importance of setting a good example as a Christian. While this is true, more is required today. To silently be a good person does not differentiate a good Christian from a good citizen. We were basically taught to be "monuments" of Christ instead of "movements" of Christ.
Today people are attracted to deliberate acts of kindness. Jesus said, "I have come to serve, not be served." When Christians intentionally become a servant, it triggers the curiosity of non-believers. They see something real, something that benefits mankind, and they want to know why. That "movement" opens the door to conversations about Christ. "Movement, not monuments" is required in these times to earn the right to be heard.
In order to be heard, it is important to understand the way people think in these days, especially many young people in their twenties. It is helpful to understand the thinking our culture. We have survived many broken systems in America. We have been influenced by a society that discredits the Bible. The general mistrust of authority and other factors are issues we need to understand when we ask them to believe in the invisible Christ.
We need to recognize where our friends are coming from in order to convince them that the Bible is true and reliable and that Christ is the only way to eternal life. The condemning message of "hell, fire, and brimstone," while essentially true, can drive our friends further from the truth, if presented without grace and love.
All parents have probably told their children at least once, "Do it because I said so." Years ago, people could quote Scripture passages and expect those words to be respected and obeyed. Not anymore! Apologetics is essential today to be able to effectively reason with people. They are skeptical of everything.
The culture of skepticism has created and sustained itself on multiple fronts. The news media is been cynical about everything and everyone, especially religious people and movements. Our educational system teaches to disbelieve first and to force proof. This is not all bad. As Christians, we should be able to effectively defend our positions. The Bible says to always be ready with an answer (1 Peter 3:15).
This is why Christians need to know their faith and be able to build a case for Christ more than ever before. If we expect an unsaved friend to believe our ideas just because we said so, it is not enough. You have to be able to effectively defend your position, and that may take a lot of time and a good deal of prayer.
In the movie The Greatest Game Ever Played, a young golfer’s caddie said about putting, "See it, roll it, hole it."
Christians who have a friend who does not know Christ, need to "show it, know it, and share it." We need to show Christ through intentional acts of love. We need to know what we believe. And we need to be able to defend those beliefs. Then we can share that message when the opportunity comes our way.
This is REALLY being a good friend!
Dick Crosby, Senior Pastor
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