Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Marking Your Calendar with Hannaford in Mind

Mark these dates on your calendar so you won’t miss these opportunities.

"Power Lab" Vacation Bible School
June 9–13. Volunteers to help with this year’s VBS would be appreciated.

Missions Mania 2008: "International Treasure"
June 22. An opportunity to hear from the Chambers, one of our missionaries from Africa, and to learn about international missions at Hannaford.

BattleZONE Conference
July 11-12. A conference on the BattleZONE men’s discipleship program presented by Mike Pouliot and one of the top leaders in Promise Keepers.

25-Year Anniversary
August 10. Pastor Crosby and Carol hope that everyone will attend this Sunday. On their first Sunday 25 years ago, 27 people were in attendance. It would be great to top that by 500 or more.

2008 Hannford Fall Conference
September 28-30. Ken Hutcherson, former professional football player and a great speaker; Mark Labberton, pastor and conference speaker from San Francisco who is a great communicator; and Darren Streblow, a very funny comedian will highlight this three-day conference.

Dick Crosby, Senior Pastor