What's on My Mind?
The Next StepThis past Sunday we introduced an outward focus toward reaching people in Helena by serving. This is our Next Step! We have Looked Back at our history; then Looked Ahead to an outward focused future; this Sunday we will Look Inside our church for some interesting perspectives on what we are and what we should become in the days ahead. If you've missed one of the recent Sundays, be sure listen online or request a CD from the church office.
Mizpah Christian Retreat
There is some news about Camp Mizpah. After nearly four months of negotiations we appear on the threshold of becoming the owners of a mountain retreat center. If God opens this door to us, we will have the responsibility of a whole new ministry. It will require much prayer, finances, physical work, and planning. But it will be exciting! Pray for God's hand in these next few days.
Christmas Dessert Theater
We still need people to step forward to help with the Christmas Dessert. Volunteers are needed to help in a variety of ways, one of which is acting in the play that is presented. This is a great outreach event. Don't under sell your ability to help in this ministry. Contact the church office (449-2273) today and volunteer.
Dick Crosby, Senior Pastor